Plans for Active Employees

Georgia Actives (view another region)

Deductible HMO Plan

With your Kaiser Permanente health plan, you receive a wide range of care and support to help you stay healthy and get the most out of life. Even before you reach your deductible, most preventive care services—like routine physical exams, mammograms, and cholesterol screenings—are covered at little or no cost to you. For most other covered services, you’ll pay just a copay or coinsurance after you reach your deductible. All in all, it’s a financial and physical win-win.

man-checkmark-icon Simple copays for most prescription drugs, all year round.
bullseye-icon Most preventive care services covered at little or no cost to you. After you reach your deductible, most other covered services available at a copay or coinsurance.
traffic-lights-icon No referrals required for many specialties.
cost-estimate-icon Personalized online cost estimates that give you an idea of what you’ll pay for scheduled services
upload-icon An out-of-pocket maximum that puts a cap on how much you’ll spend on most covered services each calendar year

Your Evidence of Coverage or Summary Plan Description contains a complete explanation of benefits, exclusions, and limitations. The information provided here is not intended nor designed to serve as your Evidence of Coverage.

Deductible HMO Plan Downloads

Plus Plan

Effective 1/1/24 - 12/31/24

Effective 1/1/2023 - 12/31/2023

Effective 1/1/2022 - 12/31/2022