Plans for Active Employees

Maryland/Virginia/Washington D.C. Actives (view another region)

Deductible HMO Signature Plan

With your Kaiser Permanente health plan, you receive a wide range of care and support to help you stay healthy and get the most out of life. Even before you reach your deductible, most preventive care services—like routine physical exams, mammograms, and cholesterol screenings—are covered at little or no cost to you. For most other covered services, you’ll pay just a copay or coinsurance after you reach your deductible. All in all, it’s a financial and physical win-win.

doctor-checkmark-icon Your choice of a primary care physician for each family member for routine medical care.
bullseye-icon Copays or coinsurance for most covered services after you meet your deductible.
Rx-icon Prescription drug coverage.
traffic-lights-icon No referrals needed for certain specialties, like optometry and routine obstetrics/gynecology.
upload-icon An out-of-pocket maximum that limits how much you’ll spend on most covered services each year.

Kaiser Permanente SignatureSM provider network
With the Kaiser Permanente Signature provider network, you receive quality care provided by our physicians—a network of physicians who practice exclusively in our medical centers conveniently located throughout the Washington, D.C. and Baltimore areas. You can choose a doctor at any time for any reason, ensuring that your physician meets your needs. Our medical centers offer a range of services in one location, including primary care, lab, X-ray, and pharmacy. For inpatient services, you have convenient access to contracted hospitals located throughout the area. When you receive care, tests, and screenings in our medical centers, you can use My health manager on to email your doctor’s office, check most lab results, schedule and cancel appointments, order prescription refills for mail delivery or pickup, and much more.

Your Evidence of Coverage or Summary Plan Description contains a complete explanation of benefits, exclusions, and limitations. The information provided here is not intended nor designed to serve as your Evidence of Coverage.

Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of the Mid-Atlantic States, Inc. in Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, D.C., 2101 E. Jefferson St., Rockville, MD 20852

Deductible HMO Signature Plan Downloads

Plus Plan

Effective 1/1/25 - 12/31/25

Effective 1/1/24 - 12/31/24

Effective 1/1/2023 - 12/31/2023

Effective 1/1/2022 - 12/31/2022