At Kaiser Permanente, care and coverage come together—so you get everything you need to stay on top of your health in one easy-to-use package.
Doctors and locations
Find the right doctor for you or locate a facility in your area. You'll also find phone numbers, hours, maps, directions, and more.
Virtual care
Kaiser Permanente members have many convenient ways to get care, including from the comfort of home.
Transitioning your care
When you join Kaiser Permanente, we make it easy for you to find a nearby doctor, move your prescriptions, and more.
Drug formulary
Our formulary is a list of drugs that have been approved for members by our Kaiser Permanente Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee.
Preventive services
Prevention is about staying healthy and preventing or delaying disease. That’s why certain drugs and preventive care services are covered at no additional cost share.
Mental health services
As a Kaiser Permanente member, you have access to a broad range of mental health care options.
Have questions?
Call 1-877-580-6125
or 1-855-407-0900 (Washington except SW WA)
Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. local time