In person

When you need to see us, we make it easy.

Routine and specialty care

Choose from among more than 1,300+ Kaiser Permanente doctors in 46 specialties and change at any time. Referrals are not needed in most cases to see a Kaiser Permanente specialist.

You can also choose to see an affiliated provider who meets our rigorous standards for delivering excellence in health care. And with thousands of providers along the Front Range, you’re certain to find the one who’s right for you.

Urgent and emergency care

  • We offer urgent care in several of our Kaiser Permanente Medical Offices and through an expansive network of affiliated locations across the Front Range.
  • Members who live in the Denver/Boulder area or Longmont can also get in-home urgent care from DispatchHealth.
  • When you have a medical or psychiatric emergency, you should dial 911 or go to the nearest emergency room. If time and safety permit, we offer an extensive network of affiliated emergency care locations.

Urgent and emergency care services are covered anywhere in Colorado, the United States, and the world.

In-patient hospital care

If you require a scheduled hospitalization, your doctor will refer you to one of many hospitals that are in-plan for Kaiser Permanente.